ado: n.骚扰,无谓的纷扰,忙乱;费力,艰难。 make [have] much ado 大忙一阵,费尽心力 (He had much ado in finding out his lodging. 他费尽力气才找到住处)。 make much ado about nothing 无事生非,小题大作。 once for ado 只一次,一劳永逸。 with much ado 煞费
much: adj.(more; most) 〔用于修饰不可数名词〕很多的,许多的;大量的;很大程度的;(时间)长的(much water, wine, money, hope, courage, time)。 ★1.主要在英国口语中,除用作肯定句主语之一或与 how, too, as, so 连用外,多用于代替 a lot of, a great quantity of, a goo
For the 11th was sunday i took wholly up to make me a chair , and with much ado brought it to a tolerable shape , but never to please me , and even in the making i pull d it in pieces several times 七日,八日,九日,十日以及十二日的一部分时间十一日是礼拜日,我都用来做一把椅子,费了好大的劲,才勉强做成椅子的样子,连差强人意都谈不上。